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Time to change the Reservation system.

  Ask your heart what comes to your mind when you hear the word ‘reservation’. For most general category students, a big frown on their face filled with anger and somewhat disliking towards the system but for those who are benefited from it, just a smile would do to reflect their state of mind. Fifty years ago, India was highly plagued by casteism, as is evident from incidents archived in history. Whether it took the form of Dalits not being allowed inside places of worship or lower castes denied the right to education or Dalit women forced to keep their upper body uncovered – casteism was and is a huge blot on the Hindu culture and tradition. Reservation policy had a long standing history in our country ever since the pre-independence era but it was only in 1990 when the National Front   government decided to implement one of the recommendations of the Mandal Commission. The basis for bringing in such a policy was to ensure that the perceived backward castes get ample opp...

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